Lee, the iconic denim brand, has embarked on a groundbreaking journey in collaboration with renowned couturier Suneet Varma and Ace...
In a landmark collaboration, Diesel and the UNIDO are joining forces to spearhead a revolution in sustainable fashion. This strategic...
The much-awaited collaboration of Stüssy and Levi’s is finally here with the latest denim capsule drop. What makes this collaboration...
An interesting collaboration between the world renowned Dutch fashion designer David Laport and G-star – ‘Denim After Dark’ has enabled...
The famous Naked and Famous denim from Canada is self proclaimed Japanese denim aficionado , using the same in most...
Vietnam is getting to be one of the most important countries when it comes to exports of denim. A number...
In the world of fashion, denim is a timeless classic, and when it meets the magnetic charm of Kylie Jenner,...
Discover the touching story behind Spanto’s Levi’s Collaboration with Born x Raised—a heartfelt tribute to Spanto’s late father. Dive into...
PANGAIA has done it again! The company’s innovation center, PANGAIA Lab, has once again brought cutting-edge technology to everyday objects....
Get ready for the coolest collection- Soft Sculpt Denim Collection from Good American yet! The fashion brand has just dropped...
Andrea Skatto has been in the textiles world for about 3 decades, developing fabrics collections, mainly into denim, flats &...
The Greensboro, N.C.-based firm established a new denim supply chain alliance with Arvind Limited and Cone Denim on Wednesday, with...