Turkey is one of the important countries for denim fabric production and conversion into apparel . With a production capacity of over 400 million meters of denim fabrics p.a , Turkey is the also the third largest exporter of denim apparel to EU after China and Bangladesh.
We will see in this special report :
- Exports from Turkey of all apparel and the % of denim apparel among these exports for the years 2000-2011. The exports of all apparel from Turkey have been consistently rising . However the same cannot be said for denim apparel as they peaked in 2007 and have falling since then .
- Exports of denim fabrics from Turkey for 2000-2011 and the % it constitutes among all the textile exports.
- The important denim mills in Turkey – their capacities , contacts , key persons.
- Exports of all jeans , men’s denim jeans and women’s jeans to EU for 2011 and 2012 with average prices of such exports.
World Denim Market : Production and consumption report :Info on over 300 denim mills , analysis of world production and consumption of denim , current market size , growth rates of denim consumption and production and much more…
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