Vietnam Performed Better In 2020 Compared To Others : Exports To EU 2010-2020

Vietnam is an increasingly important denim apparel production and export center and with the EVFTA with Vietnam becoming active, the trade volume between the two regions is likely to shoot up sharply. This report provides a detailed analysis of the imports of denim jeans into EU from Vietnam over a period of 10 years from 2010 to 2020. The detailed report shows the imports by EU over this period.

Report Also Addresses:

Table showing total jeans imports from Vietnam: 2010-2020
Graph showing total jeans imports from Vietnam: 2010-2020
Table showing men’s jeans imports from Vietnam: 2010-2020
Graphs showing men’s jeans imports from Vietnam: 2010-2020
Table showing women’s jeans imports from Vietnam: 2010-2020
Graphs showing women’s jeans imports from Vietnam: 2010-2020

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As we can see from the price graph above, we find that the average prices of Men’s jeans have remained more or less similar around Euro 13 whereas women’s jeans have fluctuated from around Euro 5 in 2015 to Euro 9 in 2017 and finally settling around Euro 11 from 2018-2020. The volumes of exports are still negligible compared to those from Bangladesh and Pakistan. However, as EVFTA keeps on moving forward , the exports of denim apparel from Vietnam will increase and help the country to establish a strong denim export presence. We already see a number of new units – both of fabrics and garments coming up and in the near future we expect them to add strongly to the exports already happening.

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