US Denim Wardrobe

The US Denim Wardrobe
Women Men
No. of Denim Jeans 7.9 8.1
No. of Denim Shorts 3.5 2.8
No. of Denim Jackets 1.1 1
No. of Denim Shirts 2 2.4
No. of Denim Dresses 1.1
No. of Denim Skirts 1.4
No. of Denim Overalls 0.8 1
17.7 15.2

Source : Cotton Incorporated

The US always tends to lead in denim consumption, though there are exceptions in countries like Brazil , which are also heavy consumers. The Wardrobe of an average American Men has 15.5! Denim Clothes and that of an American Women about 17.7(women always tend to lead in denim purchase).

This trend of increasing denim consumption has witnesssed various ups and downs but the basic trend is always positive , thus showing the remarkable resilience of Denim.



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