Yarn Conversion Calculator

Remember our “GSM  and Fabric weight calculator”  that we had put on our site last year for helping to convert the weight of fabric into GSM and  Oz/Sq. Yd and vice versa ? 
We are now adding another calculator to this section – the “Yarn conversion calculator” . This calculator is useful for converting the yarn parameters into different units at one go.
Eg , what is the conversion of 600 Denier into English Cotton Counts and Tex and Metric systems ? Just enter 600 , select Denier and click ‘ Convert It’..  You will immediately find the values of 600 Denier converted into different Yarn count systems and even those like Linen and woolen systems.

Yarn Conversion calculator

For easy remembrance of our calculator section, just remember our site name ie Denimsandjeans.com and add ‘Calculators’ after a slash – www.denimsandjeans.com/calculators

If our readers suggest need for more calculators , we will put them up . Just leave in comments below .

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Denimsandjeans is a premium denim website dedicated to global denim supply chain since 2007 – covering news, trends, reviews and more. .