Lee, the iconic denim brand, has embarked on a groundbreaking journey in collaboration with renowned couturier Suneet Varma and Ace...
Continuing our weekly news snippets, here are some interesting ones for Week 50. COTTON PRODUCTION LIKELY TO GROW OVER 350 LAKH...
Iconic American brands Lee and Pendleton have recently announced the launch of their first collaboration. Lee, the famed fashion label known...
H&M- one of the leading voices when it comes to sustainability in the fast-fashion world and also one of the...
Lee Jeans introduces ‘For A World That Works’ , an initiative that unites Lee’s values and heritage, with a new...
Lee Jeans recently celebrated 130 years of heritage by going back to Kansas, where the brand was born. Honouring the...
With vast innovations having already taken place in the denim industry in the last decade, it is not easy to...
Music makers have remained as fundamental inspiration for the Lee Cooper designers for their Fall’14 Collection as the campaign is...
Prints and colors still look strong for Fall/Winter’13 collection as can be seen in Lee Jeans’ look book for this...
With a lot of prints, high waisted shorts , colors (for men and women) and light washes Lee Jeans Spring...
Evisu Deluxe Spring Summer ’09 collection follows the first voyage of a Japanese ship sailing to America (in 1860).It draws...
Feelings and Moods of 1968 seems to be the theme on which the S/S’07 Jeans collection of Lee Cooper is...