I had been wondering for quite a long time when someone would give a digital touch to a pair of...
Feedback from many quarters indicate that Colored Jeans maybe a hot rage in US this summers. Many brands have added...
As I mentioned one of my previous posts, high-waisted jeans seem to be becoming popular with the celebrities. However, the...
The wide legged jeans , especially from J Brand are being worn by more and more of celebrities . Last...
Ever heard of the famous Japanese Denim Brand – Sugarcane. ? The unique thing about these Jeans is that they...
I often need to check out various Denim Mills around the world – just to see what they are doing....
Google Trends is a very interesting service from Google which enables us to find what is the trend for search...
Is there a way to search for the latest on Denim Trends? Searching Google news might be one option and...
Denim has always been greedily targeted by manufacturers/producers of fibres other than cotton simply for the reason that it is...
This trend started late last year when some celebrities like Katie Holmes started to put on the jeans of their...
Google trends is a good place to know what people around the world are searching for and one can also...
Here is the Denim Trends Guide from Shopbop.com for the Spring/Summer 2009 . The video guide features jeans from major...